See Us

May 10-11, 2022 Robotics Summit and Expo

Boston Convention Hall Booth 336

Waiting on the Announcement of

RoboBusiness Santa Clara October 2022

May 17, 2022

Hello Everyone,

This is just a quick message to everyone that visited our Humandobot booth 336 at the Boston Robotics Summit and Expo and Devicetalks Boston this past week. Please send us your email and other contact information if you have something you want us to do, or can help us, or know people, or just want to follow along on this new technology path.

Secondly, and more important, I want to express my personal gratitude to your response to our fledgling premier. To come to a show with a few plastic bones and some patent diagrams, I had no expectation that I would get a response from over 40 people, with such interest, openness, and with almost immediate understanding of what we are attempting to do. It was unbelievable.

I think we can all agree that eventually we will see human-like robotics in our homes. It seemed inevitable in the 80’s that something would happen in the ‘personal’ robots, as we saw happen with ‘personal’ computers. It will come.

At Humandobot we believe we are now on the right path. By studying the anatomical aspects of human motion, right down to the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and articulating surfaces, we can take advantage of millions of years of evolution, and build human-like robots that fit perfectly in a human world.

And our desired price point, at $1995 retail, may seem naive at first. But after non-recurring costs, the price of materials is very inexpensive, and the costs of computers and cameras are constantly coming down. We will meet that break point. Easily, we believe.

So, thank you again for coming. Alex or I will be contacting everyone of you over the next few weeks. We hope to hear back from you.

With so much gratitude,

Brad Smallridge

Inventor at Humandobot